Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Benefits of Exercising for Seniors

Most people 65 years old and older have witnessed the fitness revolution but many cannot identify with it. Many older adults feel that it’s too late for them to benefit from “all that fitness stuff”. WRONG!! This age group can benefit the most from exercise and fitness because they have the time to devote, and much to gain from a fitness program.

A fitness program designed for active older adults can improve how long they may live, improve their quality of life, and allow them to maintain their independence. The benefits of one's physical fitness can go unnoticed. One may maintain certain activities without a noticeable decline such as getting in and out of a car, reaching overhead in cupboards for kitchen utensils, or being able to lift themselves off the toilet without any assistance.
Plus it is a proven fact that exercise makes one feel better and enjoy life more, improves symptoms of certain underlying diseases and disabilities, improves mood, reduces depression, and can delay certain diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer if done on a regular, permanent basis.

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